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We are a connected collective of solutioneers.

We solve the right problems, for the right clients, at the right time.

Who we are.

Our team is made up of all different sizes, skill sets and monitor set-up preferences – from back and frontend engineers to cloud architects, data scientists, UX/UI and service designers to product owners – all of whom are avid problem solvers ready to design, develop and deploy innovative, scalable solutions for your business.
Who we are - 20fifty

Why we exist.

Because we are an unstoppable team. Together we turn wild, creative, brave and meaningful ideas into reality. We believe in each other. Together we agree, disagree, dream, create, explore, build, grow, learn, embrace the future and deliver exceptional solutions. For us an idea is only as good as the execution. We help our clients challenge their competitors by playing a different game. It’s not only about new technology, it’s about adding value where it has the biggest impact now and in the future.
We build what matters.

What’s in a name?

When building solutions or thinking about the impact that Cloud Computing and AI will have on the world and society, we shouldn’t be thinking of 100 or even 50 years from now, but rather about our immediate and middle distance future.

The tech we build now will form the backbone of what shapes human history. 2050 is the middle distance and is a date that is often referred to by those contemplating the impact and future of AI.

20fifty guiding principles.

These guiding principles drive our culture and define how we make decisions.

Set the bar high

If you are going to do something, do it well.

Be curious

Actively read, listen, engage and step outside your bubble. Expand your worldview, even if you don’t always like or agree with what you discover,  keep your mind open and suck in the experience.

Build what matters

Be stubborn on the vision, but flexible on the details. Consider the impact. Love what you do and do what you love.

Be present

Listening is the most generous gift you can give to another human being. It is more than simply “not speaking.” To be present and listen actively is to give others your undivided attention. To set aside your own judgments and preconceived notions. To let go of the need to agree or disagree. Most importantly,  we need to listen to understand. This builds trust, enables better collaboration and builds stronger relationships within our team and with our customers.

Be a good human

Practice kindness and empathy. Embrace creative abrasion, agility and resolution. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Consider the impact your ideas and actions have on future generations.

Be brave

Even when it scares the shit out of you.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

Michael Jordan